p5: Releases to suck in the summer
p10 Disney mention in RKO ad
Jack Benny Man About Town pp7, 17-20
p21 RKO story (internally inconsistent regarding number of Disney shorts)
"RKO will have 14 top bracket pictures for 1939-40. This is exclusive of 'Pinocchio,' the second Walt Disney feature cartoon, and 'The Ramparts We Watch,' the initial March of Time feature, both of which will be sold separately.
Almost two years in the making, 'Pinocchio' will be released around the Christmas holidays.
Donald Duck in 12 of 14
Of the 14 Disney shorts now in production, 12 will star Donald Duck, it was stated.
The Shorts Lineup
An undetermined number of Walt Disney cartoons and March of Times subjects."
Pinocchio signing
They apparently did a funny version at a convention.

"Ned E. Depinet, RKO vice-president in charge of distribution, and Roy DIsney, general manager of Walt Disney Enterprises, look on, all smiles, as George J. Schaefer, RKO president, and Gordon E. Youngman, attorey for the company, sign the contract for the distribution of DIsney's second animated feature, "Pinocchio." The event took place befoe the opening of the convention, but at the sessions at Rye. Depinet and Disney celebrated by staging a mock signing for the beneft of the delegates. Which created no end of laughs."
Apparently, a print for a feature cost $2,045 (but that could have included attorney's fees, consequential damages, etc.).
"Dismiss Philly Suit
Against 'Fantasia'
Philadelphia - Judge Joseph L. Kun has dismissed the suit seeking to prevent Leopold Stokowski and Walt Disney from producing the motion picture 'Fantasia.'
Mark Tutelman, local advertising man, sought the restraining order on the ground he originated the plan for synchronizing classical music with animated cartoons that would depict the story of the musical composition."
Review of She Married a Cop (no mention of the animation)
Kleckner to Jam Handy
Detroit - Joseph B. Kleckner has joined Jam Handy, animated cartoon makers, in an executive capacity. Until recently, he was president of Motiograph, Inc.
"Now in Cartoons -
Producer Leon Schlesinger presents the initial print of America's first patriotic animated cartoon, 'Old Glory,' to William L. Wilson, California Department Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The one-reel Technicolor subject, for Warner release, will be sponsored by the VFW for screenings throughout the United States beginning July 4."
Did the VFW partially pay for the prints of Old Glory, or were they just working as the street team to pimp it to their grandkids?

p78 on RKO sales convention
"The Walt Disney output of cartoons for the 1939-40 season was the subject up for discussion by Roy Disney, who headed for New York accompanied by Gunther Lessing, a Disney executive."
p109 MIami
"DOwn here for produciton conferences with officials of the Fleischer Studios, is Dick Murray from the New York Paramount offices... "
p121 Ad for BoxOffice itself is a reduction of a shorts review page with Little Hiawatha and Porky and Gabby on it, from July 11, 1937.
p133 "Polar Pals
Vitaphone (Looney Tunes) 7 Mins.
Porky lives at the North Pole and is the protector of all the iceland animals living there. When a hunter comes along, Porky drives the villain away and becomes a hero to his animal pals. The cartoon is average for humor content."
Letting kids in for "free" for two magazines in Detroit at the Rainbow Theatre to see a "number of special shorts" was designed to get them to stick around and pay for the regular matinee.
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