Title: It's an Ill Wind
Studio: Warner Brothers
Date: 1/28/39
Ben Hardaway & Cal Dalton
Story By Melvin Millar
Animation Herman Cohen
Musical Direction
Carl W. Stalling
Series: Looney Tunes
Running time (of viewed version): 7:26
Synopsis: Porky and not-Donald-Duck (Dizzy) go fishing; it starts to rain; as Californians they decide to freak out and run inside a derelict yacht club along with a mistreated dog, where they are scared by nothing to be scared of.

Comments: The second of two WB cartoons released this day. The second Porky of the year. Not-Donald-Duck is for some reason a whole lot like Donald Duck. Much better than the Lone Stranger, tho the earlier cartoon was prettier. I don't really like the Thurston Howell Porky fishing outfit tho. Not Donald is pretty annoying; his schtick works in a single cartoon, but I'm hoping he's not around too much.