"Five Features and Full Length Cartoon Have 35 Per Cent Tag
'Gulliver's Travels,' Max Fleischer's feature-length cartoon in Technicolor, will be sold separately at 35 per cent...
THe short subject lineup drops from 98 to 85 releases, each in a single reel.
Paramount ad for Gulliver's Travels and Popeye.

"Paramount Definitely Sets 30 for Split
The short subjects break up into ten series, with "Stone Age Cartoons," new Fleischer series, replacing Betty Boop. The series: 12 Popeyes,, 6 Fleischer Color Classics, 10 Paramount Headliners, 13 Grantland Rice Sportlights, 6 Popular Science, 6 Unusual Occupations, 10 Paramount Paragraphics, 7 Paramount Color Cruises, 3 Symphonic Shorts.
"Claude Ezell, partner with Eddie Alperson in Contestnite, left over the weekend for a visit to key cities and lining up agents. He said 20 have already been set. Alperson left Tuesday for the coast where seven cartoon subjects, which tie in with the plan, are in work."
Catalog of Copyright Entries. Part 1. [B] Group 2. Pamphlets, Etc. New Series
By Library of Congress. Copyright Office, p1039
Copyright for pamphlets forms fall in 1938, largely involving the words "You title the song".
There are only 4 hits in BoxOffice online, all between May 13, 1939 and July 15, 1939.
"A Bigger Role for Short Films On Coast After Unit Shifts
By Ivan Spear
The new season will see around 345 shorts, made in Hollywood by six major studios, as compared to approximately 258 produced during the 1938-39 season. Correspondingly, eastern production will be cut from an approximate 285 during 1938-39 to a probable 175 for the new year, of which a considerable bulk will be in the form of newsreels and independently-produced subjects for major release.
Warner, of course, contributes largest to the increase. It will make 78 subjects, varying in length from one to four reels, and, additionally, will release Leon Schlesinger's cartoon output of 42 subjects, for a 120-picture total. During 1938-39, the Burbank planst ground out six shorts, while Schlesinger contributed 42 cartoons, for a total of 48. The increase in Hollywood shorts-making activity for the plant thus stands at 150 per cent.
The Universal lineup for Hollywood thus far totals 39 - 26 cartoons from Walter Lantz and 13 musical shorts under the 'Mentone' label... Universal made no shorts in Hollywood in 1938-39, confining its activity to releasing 26 Lantz cartoons...
Although the entire Metro shorts output will, with one or two exceptions, be made at the Culver City plant - following the procedure set several years ago - it has, paradoxically enough, dragged down the Hollywood total by cutting its 1939-40 output to 79, compared to the 90 ground out here last season..."
(additional figures on Columbia and RKO in the story as well, not mentioning cartoons as such)
"Visit Fleischer Studio -
W. A. Cassidy (left), theatre operator in Alma, Midland and Saginaw, Mich., is pictured with his manager, E. A. Zeuhlke and wife, who took a "busman's holiday" while in Miami by visiting FLeischer Studios to see preview shots of "Gulliver's Travels," the full-length cartoon now in production."

Claude Ezell was in town negotiating for territorial franchises on Contestnite, a new plan to boost business whereby cash prizes are awarded for submitting the best titles to new songs. Everyone attending the theatre is eligible to participate. The song is presented via a novelty single reel cartoon."
Claude mentioned as a Texas showman in 1935:
Buckner Blvd Drive In opened in Dallas June 1948, owned by Claude (and at least 24 others).
Short Subject Reviews
"Bola Mola Land
Universal (Walter Lantz Cartoon) 6 Mins.
Being a fairly cute satire on travel cruises, and this being the vacation-planning season, the material in this crtoon should make for general amusement. The cruise ship takes off and makes for some strange-looking spots, properly "seasoned" by a barker. After passing through most of the world's more renowned countries, the ship arrives at its destination. When the tourists see a hungry-looking band of natives waiting for some fresh "tourist meat" the ship makes a hasty departure."
Exhibitor complains a Popeye cartoon and an Our Gang short did not make anyone see the film Fast and Loose.
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