We've got Captain Easy by Roy Crane, Flash Gordon by Alex Raymond, Don Winslow of the Navy by Lieut. Comdr. F. V. Martinek, U.S.N.R., Bos'n Hal, Sea Scout by Leut. Comdr. F. V. Martinek, U.S.N.R. (DDN seems to have misspelled the abbreviation for Lieutenant in Sea Scout...), Boots by Martin, Dan Dunn Secret perative by Norman Marsh, Li'l Abner by Al Capp, an ad for Beech-Nut gum, the Three Musketeers by someone whose name I can't read but who might well be J. Carroll Mansfield, Highlights of History by J. Carroll Mansfield, an ad for dinnerware form May & Company (see Mary Livingston), Mickey Finn by Lank Leonard, Toonerville Folks by Fontaine Fox, and an ad for some kind of viewmaster type deal from Cocomalt called "Novel-Viewer".
Boots is incredibly stilted and unfunny, but you get to see her upper thigh...
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I like this feature! My own Sunday mornings--not 1939, mind you--were spent reading the color comics, especially the few adventure strips like Prince Valiant but especially The Phantom, whom I adored. It would've been great if a Terry and the Pirates color strip was in those twelve pages.