p10 The MGM "shorts program for 1939-40 will be trimmed slightly." (The 1938-39 season ends in early August, p19)
p24 "Meets a 'Voice' -
Ray Blank, son of A. H. Blank, mid-western circuit operator, with Margie Hines, the "voice" of Betty Boop, in front of the Fleischer studios in Miami. The subjects are Paramount releases."
"Fire Destroys Disney House
Disney, Okla - Fire completely destroyed the Disney Theatre here with an estimated damage of $6,000. Orlin R. Stone and W.J. Crowley were owners." I assume this was not related to Walt directly, but just in case...
Short Subject Reviews
"Porky's Movie Mystery
Vitaphone (Looney Tune Cartoon)
A lot of imaginative artistry has gone into this gag-infested number, good for a substantial round of laughs. It seems that a phantom creature, often turning into an invisible man, is raising havoc in the Warner studio. Everything is topsy-turvy. Everyone is calling for Mr. Motto. Said Mr. Motto, none other than Porky, is finally located on his motor-propelled island in the middle of the ocean. He arrives on the studio scene pronto, and in less time, solves the mystery."
"Robin Hood Makes Good
Viatphone (Merrie Melody) 7 Mins.
The old formula of the abused squirrel saving his pals from the villainous fox motivates this one. But, in Technicolor, with an eye to juvenile appeal in its construction, it makes a pleasant enough filler. The three squirrels are emulating the characters of Robin Hood. A hungry-looking fox entices the two older squirrels into an abandoned shack and is about to perform woodland mayhem when the baby squirrel comes along with a ruse that does the trick."
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