p14 Paramount ad
"Spring Market Tip!
Buy Long on Paramount Shorts!
Twice as long... Twice as funny... and in color
Paramount Presents
Popeye the Sailor
"Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp"
A Double-Length Max Fleischer Cartoon
in TECHNICOLOR! ... By arrangement with King Features Syndicate, Inc. and Segar
100% Box-Office tested
Max Fleischer's Popeyes, Betty Boops (dot) Paramount Paragraphics, Pictorials, Unusual Occupations (in full color), Popular Science (in full color), Headliners, Color Classics, Color Cruises, Grantland Rice Spotlights, Paramount News
p17 Paramount ad, fake column, talking about filming the harem sequence in Man About Town.
p27 Remakes are rampant in Hollywood
"Catherine Casson (Ted. note: could be Cosson), secretary to Fred Quimby at Metro, has embarked on a three-month world cruise..."
" "Snow White" on Dual Program at 15 Cents
Minneapolis - "Snow White" made its appearance on a twin bill at 15 cents in the lower loop last weekend, despite the fact that the RKO exchange here was supposed to be committed against its showing for less than 20 cents or as a double feature.
The Crystal, a dime double feature grind subsequent-run house in the Gateway district, offered the attraction. The other end of the double feature was "The Big Noise." For this twin bill the house boosted its admissions 5 cents to 15 cents.
Some of the neighborhood exhibitors who recently showed "Snow White" as a single feature for 25 cents within the past fortnight are complaining about its release at the Crystal."
"Back from Miami With Praise for Fleischer
Des Moines - G. Ralph Branton has returned to Des Moines from Miami where he toured the Max Fleischer studios with Raymond and Myron Blank, officers of the Central States Theare Corp. here.
Branton, Tri-States' general manager, said the Fleischer studio, the "best equipped" in the world, is now producing a full-length animated picture, "Gulliver's Travels."
The theatre executive said the picture, taken form the book written by Jonathon Swift in 1726m has been in production about six months and should be ready for release in December.
Fleischer pioneered the animated cartoon, Branton said, and has made many inventions in connection with their production. His work includes "Betty Boop," "Popeye," "Out of the Inkwell" and "Color Classics." "
(mention of Punch and Judy as the only non-double bill center in Detroit)
p62 Family building mention
p64 Building of the Harper Theater (now Harpo's) to begin April 15
"To Build Cafeteria for Fleischer's Employees
Miami - Construction is to be started at once on a new 250-seat cafeteria adjacent to the Max Fleischer studios where several nearby buildings are being leased to provide working quarters for the enlarged staff of artists. This new employe (ted. note: sic) restaurant is to be air-conditioned, and will cost $20,000.
Other building activities, being necessitated by the enlarged studio staff, are to be launched later this spring, Max Fleischer has announced.
At present the studio's staff of 387 employes (sic, again) represents a payroll of $18,000 weekly.
"Many persons, high in production circles in Hollywood, are watching with definite interest the success with which the Fleischer studios are operating in an area which it has refused to believe would be suitable as a studio locale," Fleischer points out."
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