It was nice to not have to read BoxOffice for awhile. The fuzzy scans and lengthy page counts are not conducive to loving it. I find some solace in realizing I can google some text, locate Google's text cache for the issue, then search for "carto".Doesn't pick up everything, and I can't just copy and paste the text as it garbles lines, but I can kinda autopilot it if I want.
p6 TV marches onwards
MGM ad provides a bunch of star portraits (18/136), potentially useful for caricature ID.

p40 "Trend of the Times is Convention Topic
The influence of films upon children was a topic that aroused a strong reaction...
Similarly, this exhibitor said that in a recent cartoon a big safety pin became animated and chased children. By the same token, his youngster was afraid that a safety pin would do the same to him. ..."
The way in which people are morons comes up so often around their laughable concerns about children.
p50-D "Biggest Gross In History Goes to "Snow White"
Hollywood - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" has outgrossed any picture ever made with an estimated gross of $6,740,000, according to a claim advanced by the Walt Disney studio. An additional $2,000,000 is expected from foreign runs."
p53 "...Intending to stay a month or more, Hal Horne and Richard Condon, eastern representatives for Walt Disney, have checked in at the cartoon plant. Chief topic of scheduled conferences will be the drafting of exploitation plans for Disney's next full-length cartoon, "Pinocchio," now in production. Horne is also set to announce, within a few days, a successor to Gregory Dickson as studio publicity director, Dickson having resigned."
p54 "Gregory Dickson has been appointed chief publicist for Samuel Goldwyn Productions, moving over from a similar post at the Walt Disney studios, where a successor to him has not yet been named."
p63 Illinois considering outlawing double features and films with stars divorced more than once. See also comment for p40.
p84 family building mention
p92 Issue of race libel
p93 "Congratulations to Eddie Fitzgerald"; wait, different guy...
p94 Something about kids shows with cartoons in the left column.
p102-A "Miami...
Oils, watercolors and wash drawings created by a group of artists from the Fleischer Studios are currently on exhibition at the local Federal art galleries in the Miami Woman's Club. The exhibition of canvasses, many of which have been done since the studio's removal from New York to Miami last autumn, is open to the general public until mid-May."
"Representing the industry on the airways last week was Dave Fleischer from the local Fleischer Studios. He Clipper-shipped over and back to Havana last weekend."
p102-B: mention of town named Disney
p113 Short Subject Reviews
"Leave Well Enough Alone
Paramount (Popeye) 7 Mins.
Little action in this one as Popeye learns to leave well enough alone. It's a moderately entertaining cartoon which shows Popeye buying a pet shop so the animals can have their freedom. But after a time, he decides it's better for them in their cages than to be pursued by the dog catcher."
"Barnyard Egg-Citement
(Terry-Toons in Technicolor)
20th-Fox 7 Mins
A spirited bit of cartoon mirth which should please. It's about the blessed event of a baby rooster which has the barnyard society all agog. Along comes a hawk who makes off with the new arrival. But the winged officers of the law spike his wings and baby rooster is returned to his parents."
"Hamateur Night
Warner (Merrie Melodies) 7 Mins.
Leon Schlesinger continues his series with the latest devoted to amateur night in a theatre. Animals vie with humans in a try for the big chance for bigger and better things. Some good laughs. Oddly enough the winner of the contest is the fellow with all the relatives in the audience, and believe it or not, they all look alike. Fun for everybody."
p117 "With production well under way on Paramount's forthcoming "Gulliver's Travels" contracts already have been closed with seven leading toy manufacturers to sponsor toys and novelties based on characters to appear in the cartoon."
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