It is unclear if these second annual Schlesinger Sketch Pad Varieties were separate from the Schlesinger Christmas party as the party was at the Wilshire Bowl, and this program was sponsored in part by the same (also radio 950 KFWB; I wonder if the show was broadcast). Cartoon Brew posted these images of th Schlesinger Sketch Pad Varieties courtesy of Van Eaton Galleries.
The sketch we see a page from was called "Animators Courageous", but there were apparently others, as Google books points me to Marth Sigall's book "Living Life Inside the Lines", which I should probably buy (update before posting: I've now actually ordered the book).
"Gaining from their experience in 1938, this group decided that the money made from he prior year's show could be improved upon in 1939. The way we accomplished this was to make up a formal type of playbill for which we sold advertising to local businesses. Not only did we have the money from the admissions, but additional fundes were generated from the playbill. And, for its time and purpose, it was a real nice presentation. The playbill was red on its front and back pages with silver lettering which read
[see image of front cover or text below]
The first sketch was entitled "Put Him on Please," written by Henry Binder. Its cast was as follows:
First Secretary ... Ada Ruinello
Second Secretary ... Virginia Morgan
Sketch #2 was "Ours Not To Reason Why," written and directed by David Mitchell, and starring the following cast:
Mrs Brown ... Dixie Mankameyer
Salesman ... Mike Maltese
A fifteen minute intermission followed with Coca-Cola served out side. After intermission, a song that I wrote, "That's My Cuue," was sung sung by Virginia Morgan.. I originally wrote the song for one of the sketches that was going to be used. But about two weeks before the show, the main female lead left the studio, and we couldn't get anyone on such" (end of Google preview)
The The
Leon Schlesiger
Cartoon Studio
The Second Annual Revue
"The Play's The Thing"
- Shakespeare
Hollywood' California
Friday Night
December First 1939"
Animators Courageous cast:
"Animators Courageous"
by Chuck Jones
First Animator . . Harold Soldinger
Second Animator . . Dave Monahan
Third Animator . . Sid Sutherland
Other Animators . . Fred Jones
Robert Atkins
Philip Monroe
Rudolf Zingler
Jimmy .... James Conner
Newsboy ... Paul Callier
Smoky .... Henry Garner
Directed by Virginia Morgan
Scene: Animation room.
Time: Eight o'clock in the morning. "
See CB's original post at:
The book's worth it. You get a far different impression about Leon Schlesinger from it than you do reading Chuck Jones. Martha talks about some of the studio people that fans of the studio know and don't know.